Saturday, May 26, 2007

Day Four : Hebrews 1-7

God's been teaching me all kinds of stuff lately, amazing how when you persue Him He persues you right back, or maybe He's been persuing me along I'm just listening a bit me more lately. Anyways yesterday I got all dressed up with my yellow tie, dress shirt and shiney shoes. I went out to the go bus stop and waited for the bus. As so often happens God spoke to me through the brokeness of others. As I was standing on the corner a lady with her little girl came to wait for the bus too, you could tell she was tired, you could tell life for her wasn't easy, you could tell she'd learned to ignore what others thought as many in our culture would say "she let herself go". As I was watching her care and protect her little girl a BMW with an older established couple pulled up, they gawked at this lady beside me, as the sun beat down on them via their sunroof they talked vibrantly to each other in digust, commenting on the mother and her daughter's dirty face. And this is when Leviticus struck me, the year of Jubilee. God wanted justice for the poor, he imagined a world that looked quite different from our world. People weren't to own stuff to the point that the rich would get richer and the poor would get poorer. The rich were supposed to look out for the poor, that couple was supposed to stop, pullover and give that lady and her girl a ride, they were supposed to provide a clean towel to wip the little girls face, I was supposed to speak words of love, and live love to this lady. All I did was let her get on the bus first, all I did was smile at that little girl, and my heart asked what more could I do, now I wish I paid for that mothers fare.. ahh I wish I could change the world... fact is I can... fact is there will be a next time... and if I'd actually live more sacrifically it's be cool, but I can always mentally take myself out of the game, convincing myself that the little things I could do would never really allow someone to meet Jesus. But I gotta believe those little things are the difference, like washing peoples feet, like telling a thirsty prostitute about living water, like praying in a garden until I sweat blood.

Today I read Hebrews 1-7. Julie and I went to Second Cup, and enjoyed a Butter Peacan brew. I really like flavored coffee, but I'm not really a coffee guy. Hebrews is soo much cooler after you read Leviticus, there are words that just blow my mind. As I sipped my coffee I thought about how Jesus tasted death for me, and how I have tasted His glory.. very tasty on my part, not like coffee which I can remember my first time tasted like month old trash and maneur. I was like 5 and it was just after church in Hepworth Baptist's basement during potluck...

Things that stuck me from the Bible today..

- Heb 1:14, Angels are sent to serve us who are inheriting salvation. When I was a kid my great grandfather had an angel come to him just before he died. I've always imagined what it would have been like, and since I was soo young I've prayed for angel to be revealed to me. Hasn't happend yet, well at least not that I'm aware of. I'll keep hoping.

- Being a follower of Jesus is really hard, yet he gives us rest.
- Jesus came so he touch the lame, the lame that couldn't come into the santuary in Leviticus, the lame that were to be shunned by the people of Israel.

I need to go make dinner, but I want to leave today's submission with such a beautiful verse.

Heb 2:11

"Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers"

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