Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day Twenty Three : My sister graduated, I ordered salmon.

Today I had a neat chat with Jesus while on the Go Bus to Toronto. I listened to my shuffle (i know not as cool as the 60 G video, but I love it dearly). I listened to Rob Bell's April 22nd sermon titled "Wine and Heaven", it got me thinking and asking God some tough questions. In further study of this sermon I read a blog called Messianic Jewish Musings which discusses Bell's idea of heaven/hell.

In this blog Derek Leman summarizes Bell's concept of heaven saying that "heaven will be on earth". In the April 22 podcast Bell strongly argues that "no where in the Bible does it say we are all going to die and go to a far away heaven forever" And Leman summarizes this idea saying that "Heaven will only be our home in the in-between time — in between our death and the resurrection of the dead at the end of the age. At that time, we will live on the New Earth".

I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts.

That's all for today. I just arrived home, and now I'm off to bed. Tommorow I depart for the weekend to Muskoka to celebrate our 3 year anniversary (which was June 12th). Sweet.

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