Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day Twenty Two : 22 Lessons Learned Thus Far

  1. Persuing Jesus for forty days is'nt enough. It's a lifetime journey. I cannot stop.
  2. God persued me first
  3. God persues me harder
  4. God is making me and will make me holy, He will never give up.
  5. I am responsible for persuing God.
  6. When I don't persue Jesus, when I fail, the best thing to do is persue again.
  7. I will not become completely holy untill I leave this body, (the duality of now and then).
  8. Yet because of Jesus I am currently completely holy. (my title "arrived yet distant")
  9. It's a process. Being honest about the process is the best thing a follower of Jesus can do.
  10. None of this macho junk, we aren't perfect, that's why we needed a savior. And just because we've crossed the line of faith doesn't mean we will automatically become perfect.
  11. It's a process, and people can relate to the process, people won't stay and wallow in their failures if they know it's okay to not be perfect, there's grace.
  12. Jesus will help us get back on our feet and back on the road to holiness.
  13. Jesus lay's the bricks on the road to holiness, we are able to take the step because of Jesus.
  14. Each step we take towards holiness comes by our admission that we need Jesus' help. By this admission Jesus moves us closer to him, closer to holiness.
  15. If we would just be people who live daily a life of surrender, trust, and faith. Jesus can work with us.
  16. The greatest lie Satan gets us to believe is that were independent, strong, without need of a God relationship. It's the lie he told Eve in the garden, it's the lie he still whispers today, he covered it then with the simple tasting of fruit, today he covers this root idea of self dependency on a multitude of fronts.
  17. The Holy Spirit speaks clearly on matters of holiness.
  18. Some day's I just need to talk with Jesus, I just need to sense His presence.
  19. Some day's following a strict routine is frustrating, but reading, praying and journaling will always benefit one's walk with God.
  20. Sometimes you must talk to and worship God even when you don't feel like it.
  21. God has designed the concept of relationship in order to make us holy. It is my relationship with God that makes me holy, it is my realtionship with God that makes others around me holy.
  22. Marriage and close friendships are essentially a beautiful mini-representation of the intimate relationship we have with God, God uses marriage and friendship to make us holy.

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