Thursday, May 03, 2012

The moment I almost missed

This morning I awoke to Rowan's adorable voice calling my name (daddy) from his room upstairs.  As I arrived in his room he was at the end of his bed in utter frustration trying to get his sock on.  I helped him put on his sock, then I made my way into Zyan's room.  Zyan was up and ready to get out of his crib, together we made our way downstairs to the couch.  Before we could get to the couch, Zyan and I were still making our way down the stairs, Rowan found an old children's book about the story of Jesus and Easter.  He desperately wanted to read it, I wasn't that excited to read it to him.  The story wasn't well written, it was long and detailed and the pictures were weird.  But Rowan loves to read and this morning he just had to read this book.  So I told him the story page by page adding and summarizing the story myself in order to help him understand what was happening.  After we finished the book, Rowan wanted to read it again, which I thought was strange since the first time through I didn't find it that interesting.  After I was done the second time he started asking me questions about the story and about Jesus.  Eventually I asked him if he'd like to have Jesus in his heart.  I explained that having Jesus in his heart meant that Jesus would always be with him, that Jesus loved him, that he could always talk to Jesus and that Jesus would help him become good boy.   He said "yes I want Jesus in my heart".  And so I prayed with him.  The whole moment took me by surprise.  It wasn't the first time I had talked to Rowan about Jesus and his love and His desire to be his friend.   But this morning Rowan initiated a keen interest in Jesus, it was like the Spirit had chosen this morning to capture my sons heart in a simple way.  I almost missed it, I was still tired and trying to settle into my morning routine of sitting with the boys and watching cartoons.  Later when we went up for breakfast I told Julie about Rowan's decision and together we encouraged him about this decision.   As I think back to this morning I thank Jesus for pursuing us.  More then anything I want my boys to become followers of Jesus too.  I want them to know his love, I want them to experience his calling on their life to become men who are known simply as passionate Christ followers.  I know this morning was only part of Rowan's journey, but I am so grateful for it.

Thanks Jesus

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