Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Adventures of Rowan and Zyan

Every night putting the boys to bed is the same routine. They love it, Rowan in particular has it memorized and makes sure each step is followed in the correct order. Supper, Bath, Put on Jamma's, Show & Snack, Drink of Milk/Water, Brush Teeth, Go to the Washroom, Read Books, Pray, Lullaby, Story, Hugs and Say Goodnight. The problem I was starting to have is that I was running out of new creative stories, they were getting lame. Tonight as I was trying hard to create a story an idea came to me out of the story that had come to my mind. The story I told tonight was about a giant masrhmellow that people left in the bag campfire after campfire because it was simply too big to eat. Then came Rowan and Zyan. They looked at each other and at the giant marshmellow and decided to tackle it. Together they roasted the heavy marshmellow and together they bit into it until it was gone. They had sore tummy's but together the team of Rowan and Zyan were enough for the task. I'm thinking this will be my new theme, creating something too hard for others to tackle and having the team of Rowan and Zyan accomplish the task. This at least will get me through a few more nights.

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